Bringing Humanity back to the People of Earth!

All Humans are born sharing, caring & doing everything we can to help until we get conditioned to become people, and we all get that conditioning in our current society… What many of us don’t know is that we can recondition ourselves to be who & what we want to be!

Malamallama is based on the Hawaiian word for enlightenment which can be broken down into protectors, maintainers, or preservers of light!

With Malamallama, we plan to use terraforming and permaculture to create food forests nationwide & eventually around the world! Beginning in the US, we are setting up these food forests to “donate” their produce to public schools who are forced by law to take food from the lowest bidders, which is why some of the worst food in the world has gone to the majority of the children in the US for over 30 years!